The equipment for a thermal power plant
The Factory started manufacturing boilers for thermal power industry from the late 40th having implemented manufacturing of the first home-made once-through boilers. From the first serial once-through boilers with capacity 220 t/h (pressure 100 atm) the Factory proceeded to manufacturing of powerful boiler units and in 1957 it made the first home-made pilot once-through boiler with steam reheating having steam capacity 640 t/h and steam pressure 140 atm for 200 MW power units. The boiler had new technical solutions and was appreciated by specialists.
Assembling convection-type reheater blocks
The Factory began producing supercritical boiler units with capacity 950 t/h for 300 MW power plants burning various fuels in 1961, and from the 1972 year - for 500 MW power plants burning coal from the Ekibustuz site. In 1983 the Factory made a pilot boiler for a 800 MW plant burning brown coals.
Manufacturing of such boilers became possible due to advanced experience of the Factory specialists in developing and producing pilot and pilot-industrial boilers working at pressures from 265 to 400 atm that allowed to study intra-boiler processes, new steel grades as well as to assimilate new technologies.
Steam boiler П-57Р
Boilers at ZiO for power plants 200, 300, 500, and 800 MW work at thermal power plants burning gas, oil, lignite, brown and hard coals.
Boilers made by the Factory for 500 MW with capacity 1650t/h for power plants burning Ekibustuz coals are notable for perfection of design and high technical and economic performances. The first power plant TPP-1 (4 m. kW) of Ekibustuz Fuel and Energy Complex is fully equipped with boilers of this type.
Actually, the Factory delivers boilers type П-57Р to Ekibustuz TPP-2 which is being constructed now, for highly-abrasive Ekibus¬tuz coals with high ash-content (up to 55% of dry mass).
Since 1983 the Factory has been making boilers type П-67 with capacity 2650 t/h based on the of advanced design for TPP-1 Berezovskaya - the first power plant at the Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex with total design power 6.4 m. kW.
These boilers for the Ekibustuz and Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex are the original power equipment to use local fuels of open sites.
Steam boiler П-67
Besides supply of boilers to home power plants, the factory is developing boiler units for export.
Our boilers work at power plants of Poland, Roumania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Yugoslavia, Greece; we have begun supplying unique boilers for 500 MW units for power plants in China, we are planning deliveries to India, Iran, etc. As a rule, boilers for export are developed according to the specifications of foreign customers.
All the new boilers for 300, 500, 800 MW units are of top suspension type with gas-tight walls. То meet requirements of local conditions indicated in customer's specifications the design of boilers is made taking into conside-rations the climate, seismicity, etc. The boiler manufacturing processes are highly automated and mechanized. Boilers are shipped in the form of large transportable blocks to assure the necessary quantity of equipment, accelerating of erection and commissioning.
Steam boiler П-78 at TPP Imin (China)
The Factory produced about 700 boilers for more than 140 home and foreign thermal power plants for total electrical power 64 m.kW including 13 m. kW for export.
It was possible due to the design department which can perform the whole scope of works related to developing of modern boiler units as well as their erection, adjusting, putting into operation.
The further achievements of boiler constructing is tightly linked to main trends and tendencies in power industry.
Today our main directions in developing and manufacturing equipment for power industry are construction of new power plants and modification of existing equipment actually under operation in terms of thermal power plant reconstructing and technical reequipping.
When solving these tasks the Factory gives its priority to steam-gas plants for which the Factory begins to develop recovery boilers of various capacity for plants with power from 16 to 800 MW.
Heat recovery boiler П-83
There are spiral-fin pipes largely applied in such boilers, manufacturing of which the factory assimilated and develops successfully.
The Factory is actively pursuing works on developing highly effective power units and trying to ameliorate economical efficiency of a boiler and a power-generating unit in whole.
Parallel with great design scope we solve a number of problems for environment protection with new requirements to antipollution qualities of boilers.
The Factory continuously takes steps to raise quality of boilers:
- perfection of heat and hydraulic circuits;
- organization and control of the process in a furnace;
- preventing of wearing and corrosion of heating surfaces;
- larger application of unified units and elements;
- implementation of heating surfaces made of longitudinal and spiral finned pipes;
- application of excess air plants;
- application of tubular air reheater with the original air reheater stage circuit.
These and other design works are to create advanced and competitive boiler equipment.
Coal burners for the boiler ПК-39 before shipping
Heater ГПСВ, made of spiral and strip finned tubes
Membrane economizer unit