Equipment for oil-refining industry
The factory started producing oil-refining equipment in 1931 and is still producing it with insignificant intervals.
The Factory manufactured up to 700 types of column, heat-exchanging, tank equipment and tube furnaces with a total volume up to 20000 t, increasing the production.
More than 40 oil-refining factories of the USSR have been supplied with ZiO label equipment and among them in Saratov, Ufa, Perm, Guryev, Grozny, Sumgait, Fergana and many others.
The equipment manufactured in the 60th and 70th for Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Poland, India, Korea and other countries have been highly appreciated by the customers. The plant exported the units for dizel fuel hydrofining, benzol production, catalytic reforming, selective oil refining and many others.
According to the Contract with the Japanese firm JGC Corporation in 1991 the Mac- hine-Building Factory of Podolsk manufactured 30 positions of the equipment for producing catalysts at the Oil-Refining Factory of Ishimbai.
Since 1993 the equipment is manufactured for acrolein production according to contract with Mexican firm ERA. Jointly with Japan firm TEC the plant participates in reconstructions of installation for cleaning of sewage of Ne- vinnomysk.
Simultaneously, taking into account the acute necessity the plant started to disharge in 1993 the small automatized installations of capacity 5, 12, 50, 100 thousands ton for raw material for treatment.
The gas condensate has often to burn or again to pump in layer. The installations give an opportunity to treat the gas condensate in motor fuel.
The installations permit to refuse not only to importation of motor fuels in remote districts, but to improve the oecological situation in this districts.
The installations are the block-modul constructions of high plant preparedness. This permit to minimize the time and expensis for mounting on site.
Also in 1993 ZiO started mastering of equipment for geothermal power stations for joint realization with GP " Burgasgeotherm" of geothermal project on field San - Josinto - Ticate (Nicaragua). This project consists in the building and operating of geothermal power stations of total capaciti - 100 MW.
Since 1991 the plant manufactures the equipment for gas cleaning filters of metallurgical and cellulose-paper industry of Scandinavian countries. Within bounds of further mutually beneficial cooperation it is supposed that if will be creation of joint production and masterihg of manufacturing of inside building equipment, electrical and hose filters.
Together with the firm ZALTSGITTER (BRD) there were manufactured II positions of the column equipment for Samara.
At present ZiO manufactures the following products for oil-refining and allied branches:
Column equipment - rectification columns, stabilizers, absorbers, desorbers, evaporators and other equipment intended for oil-refining - is manufactured with the plates of various designs. The most widely spread ones have straight-through valve plates. The diameter of ZiO products is from 1200 up to 3400 mm.
Casing-tube heat exchanger units are applied for heating, cooling, condensation and evaporation of liquid, gas, vapour and their mixtures and for other aims as well. The Factory produces a wide range of equipment of various types and dimensions, diversive in design, calculation parameters and material. The units can be manufactured as single or multi-pass along the tube space, and be of horizontal or vertical layout.
The tank units are intended for different technological purposes in chemical, oil and gas industries. The production of this type of equipment made at ZiO has no dimensional restrictions. Large-dimension products are supplied to the customer in a dismounted form.
Product transporting coils are used in tubular furnaces in oil-manufacture, chemical and gas industries. They are manufactured with abrupt bended, pressed and welded connections.
The most part of units for oil-chemical industry operate at high temperatures and pressure. Strength characteristics of ZiO products are guaranted through all the range of the operating parameters. This is achived by the strict correspondence to the international rules of designing and equipment manufacturing, the application of carbon, low-alloyed, corrosion resistant and high-temperature resistance steels. In this case the best modern science and technology achievements have been used at its maximum. The factory has broad scientific contacts with research and design institutions to provide service reliability ecologic purity. Reduction of materials consumption, and increase of energy output of the factory products.
Blanks for vessel equipment
Colomn-type apparatus Shell-and-tube heat-exchanging apparatus
Product coil
Colomn apparatus, manufactured under the contract with a German firm ZALTSGITTER
Ammonia storage tank
Acceptance of manufactured products